Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Julie's California Blog - Day 7

I moved into my new condo today. It's updated and beautiful, but very small. Perfect for Squeaker, Scruffy and me. But the golf clubs have to go. A small sacrifice for the more comfortable abode.

(Old condo left. New condo right.)

OK. What I'm going to write next is so pitiful that it scares me. I was sitting on the new balcony enjoying a glass of wine and watching families and friends on the beach playing and laughing. People riding bikes together, groups of people playing volley ball, and couples walking hand in hand on The Strand.

For the first time in six months I was overcome by a feeling of being not only alone, but of being utterly lonely. AND OLD. I was sitting on the balcony fully engrossed in my one person pity party, feeling really sorry for myself. I had just made up my mind that I'd better get used to this feeling because I was going to spend the rest of my life like this when suddenly, the phone rang and a dear friend was calling to invite me to visit in Palm Springs to play golf. I can't tell you how much that phone call meant to me. My sadness was immediately subdued! I was looking forward to being with my friends AND I was going to a warmer climate without going to "Cabo."

About 20 seconds after I hung up the phone, a guy popped up on the balcony next door to meet Scruffy the wonder dog. Next thing you know, I was with a really fun group of people laughing and watching the sunset. Talk about perfect timing! By the way, the sunset was magnificent. And I made some new friends. Was that Divine intervention or what?? God amazes me.

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