Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Julie's California Blog - Day 28

Julie's California Blog - Day 28, Saturday April 27, 2013

The kids had a great time last night.  More Beer Pong was involved as well as a card game and lots of laughing and giggling.  The games finally came to an end around 4:30 a.m.   

When I got up to take the dogs out at 8:00, there were bodies everywhere again.  These kids are very resourceful when finding a place to sleep.  Couch cushions and ottomans become beds and beach towels work nicely for blankets.  Oh, to be young.

I made a quick run to McDonald's for a bag of Sausage, Egg and Cheese biscuits and when I returned to pass them out, it looked like a momma bird returning to the nest to feed the young, a gaggle of hands reaching up to receive the chow.  It just made me laugh.

We spent the morning on the beach until around 1:00 when it was time for another feeding, so we went to Waterman's at the Pier for lunch with the remaining 8 kids.  I haven't been to Waterman's and I'm glad my first trip included these 8 kids.  The place was a buzz of activity.  It was packed with a very interesting and eclectic  group of people.  A group of girls came in dressed in gold lame body suits with chartreuse tutu's.  Most of the men wore wife beater shirts with bulging muscles loaded with tattoos.  One guy walked by wearing pink fur ugg boots with matching pink shorts. You can imagine the looks he got from the muscle bound tough guys. Music, which was awesome, was blaring  so loudly the waitress had to pass the order form around for us to write our food orders.   It was a crazy, loud, exhilarating, fun place to spend time with these kids.  The food was not great, but I would recommend Waterman's for the stimulating entertainment. 

After lunch, the group was ready to head back to school.  I took the pups for a quick walk while Jeff and friends were gathering their gear.  I walked back into the condo expecting to see things gathered up and everybody ready to leave, rather the kids were out like a light, snoozing and snoring away.  Made me laugh out loud!  

Around 6:30, the kids finally headed out.  I'm not gonna lie, I was REALLY sad to see them go.  I took the dogs and walked down the beach to watch the sunset, feeling really sad and lonely when I ran across a group of people trying to hula hoop.

Their pitiful attempt with the hula hoop shook me out of my self induced pity party and I felt I had to stop and share the Betty Hoops method of hula hoop technology with them.  Next thing ya know, I found myself with a glass of wine, a hula hoop and a really fun group of people enjoying the sunset.  

It's a small world at Hermosa Beach.  The agency I've been working with to find a larger condo for next year, told me about a 4 bedroom house just off the beach.  They sent me the website for the house, which is only 2 blocks away from my current location.  The owner is not in town, but his sister is a local who would be happy to show me the place, Kelly Flynn.  I met his sister at the hula hoop party.  She's a really nice girl who owns a catering company in town.  What a small world.  I'm not really interested in the house because it's not on The Strand, but I really enjoyed making a new friend in Hermosa Beach.

I've asked my self several times why I'm in California for a month.  My reasoning was to check on Jeff to see how he's getting along.  He really struggled the first semester at college and I've been quite worried about him.  I'm happy to report that he's doing very well with his brotherhood at the Fraternity.  He has opened up to them about loosing his dad and they have rallied to his side offering friendship and strength.  

As for me, I think subconsciously, there may be another reason for my trip.  To reconnect with Julie Jones Wooley.   After being with Jeff for 30 years, and loosing him, I'm not really sure who I am.  I'm still trying to figure that out, but in the meantime, the lesson I keep learning over and over again is, when one door closes, another one opens.  It really amazes me how this continues to happen.  I'm constantly reminded of what my dad said to me when I asked him about my loss.  He said many very wise things, but the one that continues to resonate with me is, "Julie, the best is yet to come."  How does one set out to find what is yet to come?  THAT is the question.  Any suggestions?

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