Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Julie's California Blog - Day 24

Julie's California Blog - Day 24, Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Today was a quiet, lazy day in Hermosa Beach aside from the screaming 18 month baby downstairs and the howling dog two doors down. The marine layer is waiting to burn off to become a beautiful day. 

I started an art project this morning and it's moving along nicely. More on that later.

I was invited by the dean of the School of Cinematic Arts at USC to attend an advanced screening of Pain and Gain, Mark Walberg and The Rock's new movie which opens Friday. Based on the previews I've seen on tv, I thought it was a comedy. Rather, it's a drama based on a true story about three body builders in south Florida who turn to a life of crime. My recommendation, have a root canal instead. It would be more entertaining and less painful. Just sayin'.

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