Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Julie's California Blog - Day 22

Julie's California Blog - Day 22, Sunday, April 21, 2013

GOOD MORNING SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA!!  What a beautiful day.  There are 12 kids asleep EVERYWHERE in the condo.  The kitchen counter looks a Frat house.  Good news ... the place is so small, it makes clean up very easy.  One swipe and the kitchen counter is cleaned off.  Everything is disposable.  So we're good to go again in a matter of moments.  

Everyone is up and running or rather walking up The Strand to Good Stuff for breakfast.  We all stacked our cell phones on the table so we could have meaningful conversation with each other instead of playing with phones.  (This was suggested by the kids.)

There is a huge volleyball tournament on the beach this morning.  The USC Girl's Volleyball team is playing. There is so much energy here today.  It's really fun hanging out with young people.  

After breakfast, the group split up.  Seven kids went back to school and five  stayed on the beach for a while.  There was talk of renting surf boards or sail boats.  In the end, they settled for swimming and a nap on the beach.  Jeff and his friends left around 3:00 to go back to campus.  I miss them terribly, but enjoyed every minute with them.  I'm so grateful for our time together and hope they come back next weekend.                                                                                                          

A marine layer moved in around 6:30, so the sunset fizzled out tonight.  The pups and I spent a quiet evening at home.

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