Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Julie's California Blog - Day 3

Julie's California Blog - Day 3, April 2, 2013

What a beautiful morning.  I think I'm getting into the California groove by now.  The dogs and I got up for a walk on The Strand.  Great success, by the way.  Came back to our lovely condo, had breakfast and then  
began to look for something fun to do for the day.  

We decided that such a sunny day should be spent on the beach.  So we
 wrapped up in long sleeves and jackets to stay warm.  Our beach visit didn't last long as we were freezing.   I'm ready for some SOUTHERN California weather.  It's supposed to be warm here.  I'm sure it's coming.

Carolyn and I spent most of the morning on the beach until it was time to get ready to go to Burbank to Warner Brothers Studio for the taping of the Ellen Degeneres Show. There is a dress code for Ellen's show, "nice casual."  We were instructed NOT to wear Ellen and/or WB gear, flip-flops, cut-offs, shorts, t-shirts, logos or baggy clothing.  Group coordinating outfits were also a no, no.  WB reserved the right to deny entry to anyone dressed inappropriately.  We were advised that we may be seen on TV and to please dress accordingly.  Assuming we wouldn't be allowed to wear our Uncle Bob teeth and Duck Dynasty masks either, we just dressed like normal people and set off to find Burbank.  Until today, I had never seen Ellen.  I had a vague idea who she was, but knew nothing about her nor her show.  

How did I get the tickets, you ask?  While I was in Colorado in February some dear friends invited me to a fund raiser for Theater Aspen.  I was bidding on several items to help run the prices up.  Seems I'm the ONLY person who bid on the Ellen Show tickets.  So, while in the LA area, I thought, "What the heck.  I've never been to the taping of a talk show.  I'll check it out."  Turned out to be a really fun afternoon.  We had VIP tickets, which had all kinds of cool perks.  Carolyn and I were seated on the "dance" row, so Ellen danced right by us.  We're surely going to be on tv when the show airs - this Monday, the 8th, on NBC at 4:00 (for those of you Ellen lovers.)  I'll happily sign autographs when I return to Tampa.  Ellen had Chris O'Donnell (from NCIS) and Aubrey Plaza (from Parks and Recreation).  I wasn't exactly star struck.  I guess for these folks to be "special" to me, I should watch more tv.  I've never watched either show.  I do remember Chris O'Donnell from an Al Pacino movie, "Scent of a Woman".  All in all, the experience was really fun.  I'm sure Ellen will be in touch with me soon for an interview.

We did something really special for dinner ... In & Out Burgers.  I must admit, I crumbled and had my burger WITH the bun, instead of wrapped in lettuce.  It was worth every calorie.  We also stopped at Pinkberry on the way home for another frozen yogurt.  I see a bad pattern developing here.  

More exciting news in tomorrow's Blog.  Thanks for checking in with me.  

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