Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Julie's California Blog - Day 12

Julie's California Blog - Day 12, Thursday, April 11, 2013

The morning after an episode of "day drinkin" followed by "afternoon drinkin" which often time leads to "evening drinkin" can be a little tricky for an amateur. Don't try this at home, kids! 

Stevie and I aren't moving very fast this morning. 
But after a plate of pancakes from Uncle Bill's in Manhattan Beach, we got our groove back and decided to drive to Venice Beach for some sightseeing. And OH the sights we saw. Venice is known for it's unusual and eccentric people and we were NOT disappointed. Seems everybody is trying to "out weird" the next. And they want to be paid to have their weirdness photographed. We were going through dollar bills faster than a bride at a bachelorette party featuring the Chippendales. I can't feature all the photos that I took today, but here are two. 

This guy and his dog rode up on a skate board. The guy dug in the trash for an empty cup to use for collections, sat on a bench, and posed the dog in his lap. If I hadn't seen the guy ride up, I would have thought him to be holding a stuffed dog. 
The dog sat lifeless with sunglasses resting on his nose, and his hat hanging low as if to be snoozing. The dog's owner was beaten up. His arm was in a cast and he had bruises all over his face and legs. Must have had a mishap with the skate board.

But the napping dog didn't hold a candle to this prince of a guy comfortably napping on his bike, which is a great way to keep one from stealing his ride. He is wearing long pants, bermuda shorts and exercise shorts, so he's prepared for anything. The bike helmet is embellished with a cowboy hat and headlight, which are tied to his helmet with party ribbon. He's ready for night riding, goat roping or a party. Such a versatile look. I never did figure out what the furry looking thing was on his chest, but I didn't want to get too close. I have to confess, I snuck up on him for this photograph and snapped it without having to pay. Didn't see a cup anyway. And since he didn't look like a Chippendale, I wasn't too worried about cheating the guy out of his buck.
Stevie and I had a quick snack at a little sidewalk cafe in Venice and then headed back to our home away from home in Hermosa Beach. 

On a such a warm, sunny afternoon some of the neighbors were outside for cocktail hour and sunset. We struck up a conversation with my neighbor, Mike (far right) and after watching a beautiful sunset we moved the party down stairs to Mike's terrace next door. 

We were joined by Pat, Linda, Todd and Paul. Paul lives with Mike and Patty. He's a bartender at a bar in Manhattan Beach. 

Todd is a musician by night and a drywall guy by day. Stevie and I enjoyed visiting with the locals. They filled us in on all the local drama, politics and good places to eat. Paul made a tray of tasty hors d oeuvres which consisted of cheese and crackers and pasta salad.
When the light faded enough to go stealth with the dogs, we headed to the beach with Squeaker and Scruffy for a little law breaking walk. They love running in the sand. 

I seem to be settling in to the life of a total beach bum. It's not a bad way to live. Thanks for checking in to see what's happening in CA. It changes daily. Love and miss you all.

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