Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Julie and Stevie's Most Excellent Adventure to the Down Under

This is a test run to see if the Blog sight is working so I can keep in touch while I'm away.

Coming Soon!  Julie and Stevie's Most Excellent Adventure to the Down Under

Stevie arrived in Los Angeles yesterday, February 3rd, 2014.  

We had a great time last night at a beautiful "BonVoyage Dinner" hosted by our Hermosa Beach friends, Marc, Tammy, Kelly and Jess at the Manhattan Beach Post in Manhattan Beach.  They sent us on our way in style with our tummies full of crazy amazing Cheddar, Bacon Biscuits among other delicious dishes.   

After a bike ride to Venice Beach today for lunch, we should be sufficiently worn out so we can sleep on our 13 hour flight from Los Angeles to Auckland, New Zealand.  Then it's on to Queenstown, NZ for a few days of fun.  I'll be back with more on our adventures.  Hope you'll tune in.  

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