Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Down Under, Day Fourteen - Wednesday, February 19, 2014 - Steward Island, New Zealand

Riding the Tender to Town

Seabourn Tender
Not much to report today.  It's cloudy and cool here in New Zealand.  Stevie and I took the tender to shore for a power walk to check out Half Moon Bay.  There is not much here.   Just a sleepy little fishing village,  BUT, they have the most spectacular walking trail carved out of the forest.  They call it a forest.  It looks more like a thick, lush jungle.  

Path to Half Moon Bay
Huge trees and lots of ferns, flowers and vegetation of all kinds.  Amazing.  Stevie and I walked about 2 miles together, then she hitch hiked back to the tender.  I continued on to the small town of Oban, where there is a small hotel, a general store, a bar and a huge chess set made of traffic cones.  
Giant Chess Board in Oban/Half Moon Bay
Checkmate!  Didn't take long to check out the town and then I walked the trail back to the tender.  Just listening to the birds was worth the walk.  Very interesting calls and whistles.  The trail was like walking through a tunnel of boscage most of the time letting very little light in, which added an element of Lord of the Rings and Avatar type scenery.  Every plant was oversized and perfectly situated into the hill side as if expertly placed by a  gardener.  Just lovely.  Well worth the trip to shore, especially since we'll be at sea for the next four days.  However, I don't know why it's a cruise ship destination.

Here's what I've decided about cruising.  It's like getting the "Cliff Notes" version of a vacation destination.  We visit lots of great places, but not long enough to get a true feel for the areas.   If looking to become immersed in the culture and the people, a cruise may not be for you.   However, a cruise is good for reconnaissance.  To check out lots of places to determine if a follow up visit is in order.  I must say, so far Queenstown is still a hands down winner.   But Stevie and I spent 5 days there and had time to really enjoy the area.  I'd go back there in a heartbeat.

Another dress that had to be worn early in the cruise.  
Stevie and I had a nice dinner with Stevie's friends from Houston, Carol and Molly - the newly weds.  We're under way to Milford Sound and expected to arrive there tomorrow morning at 9:00.  We've invited several people to our suite for cocktails and viewing of the sound in the morning.  I'll take lots of photos and send them tomorrow.

Hey, I just got a text from my sister, Kay.   A special shout out to my niece, Ashley, who just gave birth to a precious baby girl, Stella on February 19th.  Congratulations to Ash and Aisha.  Welcome Stella.  Your Great Aunt Julie is called "Great" for a reason!  Can't wait to meet you.

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