Sunday, February 16, 2014

Down Under - Day Ten, Sunday - February 15, 2014 - Picton, NZ

Following the Blue Line to Town

We docked at the sleepy little town of Picton, New Zealand this morning.  Picton connects the north island to the south island of New Zealand by way of a three and a half hour ferry ride.  That's pretty much Picton's major purpose. 
Stevie and I followed the blue line into town and found the beautiful Waikawa walking trail which we  hiked for 5 miles.  

New Zealanders are big on
 following lines.  But I must admit, it was very effective way to find the town center and the trail, which was beautiful.  The flora was phenomenal and in some areas completely encapsulated the trail like going through a green tunnel.  We found a blackberry bush and had a little snack.  

We returned to the ship for a leisurely afternoon poolside.   Later in the afternoon, we were invited to tour the bridge.  It was quite interesting.  I kept looking for the ship's wheel, but everything is pretty much computer driven now.  
Stevie clears the way for me to take her for a spin.  
My take away was ... don't offer to "fill her up."  The ship's fuel tank holds 265,000 gallons of fuel necessary to power the 4 sets of diesel engines that put out 30,000 horsepower.  When the ship is traveling 12 knots, it takes three quarters of a mile to stop her.  I asked if Stevie and I could take her out for a spin.  
Annabelle "escorting" us from the bridge after our attempt to drive the boat.
Surprisingly, none of the crew laughed.  They just looked at us like we were crazy.  British humor, I guess.  Or lack thereof.  So we were escorted off the bridge, which really didn't bother us.  We've been thrown out of far better places.   So we headed to the patio deck for the "sail away" party.  Champagne and Caviar.  Divine.

Independent Travelers Party.  Woopie!!
Stevie and I decided to venture out tonight and check out the "Independent" travelers gathering in the lounge.  What we found was a gathering of folks that may have taken a leave of absence from their "Assisted Living Homes."  Well, some of them may have been a cane and a walker beyond that!  Not exactly what we expected of the "solo" or "singles" party.  The good news ... we felt SOOOO young!!  We didn't stick around long.  The sun was going down so most of them had to get to bed anyway.  

"Refreshing my bubbles."

We had a lovely dinner at the Colonnade Restaurant where I got tickled at the waiter's continuous question of "May I refresh your bubbles."  Which he did so well.  

Sun set
Full Moon Rise

The sunset tonight was breathtaking, but the moon rise was equally as spectacular.  We're off to our next stop.

Full moon tonight.  Taken from our balcony.  

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