Friday, February 21, 2014

Down Under - Day Sixteen, Friday, February 21, 2014 - Tasman Sea


We're at sea today for the first of three days.  Seas are relatively calm on our way to Melbourne.  I have a multitude of activities to choose from to entertain me today.  Think I'll head on down to the ChaCha Dance Class.  More later, folks.

ChaCha class was so much fun.  I think I have it down, but need lots of practice.  Tomorrow is the Waltz.   Wish I had my Waltz dress.

After ChaCha class, I had some free time to catch a few rays.  Unfortunately the breeze on the deck was so chilly, I didn't last long.  I had a spa appointment for a massage and facial anyway.  The massage was world class.   And the facial was incredible, too.  First thing I did was book another massage.  

OK, so the waters were relatively calm this morning.  The Tasman is making up for it this afternoon and evening.  We're sailing in 10 foot seas right now.  Waves are crashing over the bow and this is not a baby boat.  We're not looking at white caps here, folks.  There is an endless barrage of waves slamming into us.  I still feel ok.  The champagne must be working.  Just ordered another bottle. Strictly for medicinal purposes, of course.  And I'm still looking forward to dinner ... so I must be just fine.  But I don't think Stevie is feeling all that great.  We just got some sea sickness medicine from the staff.  She took a  couple of pills and she's out like a light. Hopefully, tomorrow, she'll feel better.  She was certainly missed at dinner tonight.  
Cecile "Paddy" Millar and Julie at dinner.
Paddy joined Carol, Molly and I and entertained us with more of his fascinating stories.  He's such a charming man.  If I were 20 years older, and 10 inches shorter, I'd be after him like all the other widows in the down under and on this ship.

Molly finishes her chocolate from her Orange Sorbet Dessert
I've really enjoyed meeting and getting to know Carroll and Molly from Houston.  Carroll is a Chevy dealer in Houston.  Molly, a former Judge is now a funeral home director.  Just loads of laughs and more personality than one can imagine.  Like me, Molly loves chocolate.  

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