Saturday, February 22, 2014

Down Under - Day Seventeen, Saturday, February 22, 2014 - Tasman Sea (Second Day)

Day 2 of cruising'.

It's a little tough to come up with something to write about during our days at sea, but I'll give it a go.

Trying to sleep last night was quite interesting.  The gentle hypnotic feel of the boat's rocking was replaced with a weightless feel as the ship dropped into trough after trough and then the G force of her rise to the top of the swells kept me awake most of the night.  We're on the 7th floor of this ship and the waves were crashing over the balcony.  Not exactly "Rock a bye Baby" time.  More like some kind of macabre punk rock lullaby.  

Molly and Carroll practice their moves.

Dymetre doesn't have much to work with, but he tries.
Waltz class was so much fun.  I'm sure I looked every bit as graceful as Annabelle and Dymetre as I glided across the dance floor.  I'm talking "Dancing With The Starts" quality here, folks.  Molly took a video of Dymetre and I as we danced the Waltz together.  Wish I could figure out how to download a video to this blog.  I'll work on that.  In the meantime, please close your eyes and envision the 

grace, the poise, the style, the anguished scream as I stepped on Dymetre's toes!  
Poor Dymetre!  
We were handicapped by the movement of the ship.  Poor Dymetre's feet will never be the same.  Shortly after our dance, he changed into reinforced toe shoes.  I must have been tough on the poor kid.  

After lunch, I retired to my suite for a much needed nap. The seas have not calmed.  If anything, they are more fierce this afternoon.  One more day of this and we reach Melbourne.   The restaurants on board are quite empty.   It's comical to watch people walk down the halls, we all zig and zag together as if a well choreographed dance, bouncing off the walls in perfect uniformity.  As one woman said, "It's a wall banger day."

I'm not gonna lie to you.  Time doesn't exactly fly when at sea ... especially rough seas.  But dinner time arrived soon enough.  Traditionally, ladies are escorted to their tables.  Our table was so close to the maitre'd station that Carlos decided to escort me all the way around the main salon.  Since I'm so shy, I was frozen with fear.

So shy!  I make the rounds through the restaurant before being seated.
We had a lovely dinner at the main restaurant tonight.   We finally caught up with Melissa, a girl from Christchurch that I met on the first evening's sail away party.   Ironically, today is the third anniversary of the earthquake that devastated Christchurch.
Melissa, Molly, Carroll, Stevie and Julie 
Melissa is loads of fun and has offered lots of helpful information about our next port - Melbourne.  Paddy joined our table for dessert and then on to the show afterwards. 

Our new friend Meredith in the center.  
The kids performed a medley of songs from the 60's.  Meredith, our dinner host the first night on board, was fabulous tonight.  She is incredibly talented and so sweet.  

The seas are very rough tonight, which will make for a difficult sleep, but I'm wrapped up in my blankets with pillows on either side to keep from rolling off the bed.  Lots of swells from the side of the ship tonight.  So it's kind of like being on SheiKra, the roller coaster at Busch Gardens.  Cheerio!  

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