Thursday, February 20, 2014

Down Under - Day Fifteen, Thursday, February 20, 2014 -Milford Sound, NZ

We have arrived at Milford Sound.  Stevie and I visited Milford Sound last week when we took a helicopter from Queenstown to the glacier and then landed here.  We'll have a different perspective of it today.  

Champagne and Caviar.  Perfect breakfast combo.
We invited some of the folks we've met on board to our suite for a cruising party this morning at 9:00 a.m..  Champagne, Caviar, Bloody Marys, cheeses, danish, etc.  Just the things one needs to have a successful cruising party.  Particularly when Seabourn is buying!!
Carol, Stevie, Bob, Ellen, Molly, Carroll, Ray, Joan and Julie enjoy the Milford Sound Cruise.
So the "breakfast drinking" began at 9:00 this morning.

The fiord cruise did not disappoint.  It was stunning.  Low lying clouds added to the mystique of the mountains rising out of the sea.  No question why Peter Jackson chose this area for his movie, Lord of the Rings.  

We cruised the Sound for a couple of hours and now we've set sail across the Tasman Sea toward Melbourne.  We'll be at sea for three days. 

A nasty storm is brewing in the southeast coming up from Antarctica so we're heading a little north to avoid rough seas.  The Tasman Sea's claim to fame - it's the roughest water on the planet ... on a good day.  
So, I'm grateful Captain David Bathgate is re-routing to Melbourne.  
However, just in case,  our new friend, Ellen has shared some sea sickness prevention techniques.  She says to drink something sweet with bubbles and alcohol.  I'm no genius, but that sounds like Champagne to me.  Now I don't usually have a problem with sea sickness, but just in case ... I think I'll heed her advice.  I'm having another glass as I write.   I'll let you know how it works.  

Captain Bathgate waves in appreciation for my help.
The bridge overlooks part of our balcony.  so from time to time, when I feel like he needs a little help, I point the Captain in the right direction.  I know he appreciates the help, especially in those tight parallel parking spots.  

An afternoon of lounging poolside was exhausting.  So I'm heading back to the room for a short nap before dinner.

We had a lovely dinner tonight with Carol and Molly as well as Ellen and Bob in the Restaurant 2.  This is the only restaurant on the ship that requires a reservation.  It's quite nice.  Very cozy and elegant.  We had a very stimulating conversation ... mostly from Bob and Ellen.  Ellen shared her story of how she met her husband, Bob, through a professional match maker in California for a tidy sum of $50,000.00.  So for those of us who think money can't buy love ... well I guess we just don't know where to shop.  Ellen made it sound rather straightforward.  Ok folks!  Number one, I'd rather have the cash!!   And number two, after having met her husband, I'd ask for a refund!!  Actually, Bob is a very nice man, but I would expect a lot more for $50,000.00.  I guess some people have more dollars than sense.  Just sayin'.  

Nite nite.

1 comment:

  1. Lol. Girl, you are a nut! It sounds like you have the cruising life figured out. Thanks for all of the great pictures. Good luck crossing the Tasman.
    All the Best, FB
