Friday, May 20, 2016

On The Road Again ... Rather In The Air Again

May 20, 2016

As I sit at the Delta Sky Lounge in the Atlanta Airport, I'm thinking about the horrible nightmare I had last night.  I dreamed my dad died, my boyfriend dumped me and I got breast cancer.  Oh wait.  That really happened.  Dammit.  I hate when that happens.  

The Blog continues.   In the Atlanta Airport heading to London.
But oh my gosh!   Look at me now.  I'm thirty pounds lighter, kicking cancer's ass and loving life.  I still miss my dad, but as he told me only a few months before he died, ... "The best is yet to come."

So London and Italy ... here I come.  Today, I'm flying to London to meet Jacqueline.  We'll be spending a few days in London and then on to Italy where we'll join a group of folks for the "Run to Monaco."  We'll load up in a rented Ferrari, drive across Italy and end up in Monaco for the GrandPrix.  So stay tuned to keep up with our shenanigans.   

Jacqueline made my airline reservations.  She's become quite familiar with Virgin Atlantic Airlines as she was seeing a guy who worked for the airline and listed her as a "mate" allowing her to book really inexpensive flights.  She tells me the Virginia Atlantic plane has a cocktail bar on board.  Since I need to move around on the airplane to prevent blood clots ... well, you get the idea.  I have to move to keep the blood flowing and cocktails thin the blood.  It's a win win!!  

I'll report in again from in flight.

I'm on board the Virgin Atlantic flight to London.  The plane is quite nice.  The best part is the bar, which is currently closed due to turbulence.  Thus, I've begun to write.  When I have too much time on my hands, I get a bit verbose.  

As I reflect on the past five months of this year ... Ooops!  The seatbelt light just went off.  Bar open.  Back later.

I've just been introduced to the loveliest cocktail.   A combination of vodka, cranberry and lemon, the Cranberry Martini is touted as "a perfect blend to tantalize the tastebuds."  They are absolutely correct.  I have seven hours and twenty five minutes to enjoy them. 

The bar scene is a bit bleak on board this Virgin Atlantic flight.  But they do have tasty peppered potato chips, to which I've allowed myself to indulge.  

Ok.  Back to where I was reflecting on the past five months of this year.  It's been an interesting time in my life.  Not necessarily in a good way, but a very important way.    I'm not going to lie to you.   I've questioned why I've been tested with the events that have occurred.  Though I didn't think so at the time, they have definitely made me a much stronger, more aware, more sensitive, more humble and much more grateful person.  How?  I've always considered myself a strong person.  Bullet proof at times.  But when the word cancer attaches itself to your mind and body, when you become another statistic in the battle against this horrible disease, strength you can't even begin to imagine musters from your soul to kick ass!

It's been a very humbling time when one questions God's plan.  What's up God?  Why me?  Well the question should be "Why NOT me?"  I'd much rather be fighting this battle than watching one of my children or loved ones taking it on.  I've got this.  I guess God knew that.

How grateful am I that this disease was discovered early and my fight is minimal compared to others I've met at Moffitt Cancer Center.  How blessed am I?

As for greater awareness, feelings that have been suppressed for years have surfaced and need to be addressed.  I thought I was heartbroken because a guy broke up with me.  Perhaps.  But more likely, I've never really come to grips with the worst losses of my life, the unexpected death of my dear husband and the recent loss of my amazing dad.  So it's time to address those issues, properly grieving for them both.  No offense to the boyfriend.  He was a great guy, who showed me I could truly love again, but certainly not worthy of the vast emptiness and emotional rollercoaster I've been on these past few months.

So now it's time to refill my cup with inner peace and happiness.  While that sounds a bit cliche and simplistic, It's actually harder than one would think.  So I believe I'll start with another one of those delicious Cranberry Martinis to help me ponder.  And if anyone out there has any tips, please email me with some solid solutions to my quest.

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