Saturday, May 21, 2016

Hey London! I'm Here!

May 21, 2016

Arriving at London's Heathrow this morning at 7:00 was brutal.   Even though I got about 3 hours of good sleep on the plane, my body was still telling me "Hey, it's only 2:00 a.m.   Go back to sleep."

Langham Hotel.  Our home for a few days.
By the time I arrived at the Langham Hotel to catch up with Jacqueline, she was up, dressed, chipper and ready for the day.  So I put on my "I'm not tired" face and we went downstairs to the Club Level for breakfast and lovely British tea.  Afterwards, we set off for Selfridges, a fabulous department store, with interesting family ties, to shop for shoes.  

We found Selfridges.

The Selfridges "family ties" come from Jeff's dad, Millard, and his beautiful bride, Rosemarie.  Rosemarie was working at Selfridges, when a handsome United States Navy Pilot walked in (Jeff's dad).  He kept circling back to Rosemarie to check out what she was peddling, which eventually led to a coffee date and further on to an adventurous 20+ year marriage.  I always remember those roots when I visit Selfridges and it brings a huge smile to my face.

Selfridges is a huge department store.
While at Selfridges, I hit a wall.  I was exhausted.  While Jac was trying on a dress, I sat in a chair and fell asleep.  So, we came back to the Langham and I took a five hour nap.

Around 7:00 p.m., up, refreshed and ready to go, we went downstairs to the Club level for champagne and dinner.   Over several glasses of champagne, we solved most of the world's problems, had a nice salad and brought a pot of hot water to the room for evening tea.  We'll be more on our game tomorrow.  Today was a day to get over jet lag and relax.  Watch out tomorrow LONDON.  

Champagne for Dinner.  Yum!!

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