Sunday, May 29, 2016

Hello Portofino, Italy

May 26, 2016

We set off this morning leaving Florence behind venturing into Tuscany.  The roads here were familiar to me as I spent a week with Stevie and friends at a Tuscan Villa in Cortona about a year ago.  But they were much more fun to drive in a Ferrari opposed to the previous trip's van. 

Lunch was served in this lovely little farmhouse.

After nearly four hours, we arrived at our lunch stop.  We were some of the last to arrive, but there was still plenty of food left for us.  Delicious pasta, rabbit and guinea foul.  The large flat top mountain, Pietra Bismantova, overlooked our farmhouse lunch stop. 

Pietra Bismantova.  Huge cliffs rise to the sky.

After lunch, we continued our drive to Portofino.
The drive was long and technically difficult, but so much fun in a Ferrari.  We finally arrived at the Hotel Spendido after 7:30.   Glad to have finally arrived, tired and thirsty, we quickly changed clothes and went to the bar for a much needed cocktail.   Strictly for medicinal purposes! 

Dinner at Hotel Splendid overlooking the Portofino Harbor.
The girls.  Julie, Gail and Jacqueline.
Mother and Daughter Trip.  YAY!!

Dinner tonight was on the outside terrace beside the pool.  It was a beautiful setting overlooking the Portofino harbor.  We've been here a couple of times on chartered boats, and I love Portofino.   What wonderful memories.  The third time around was just as special.  

Since there was no fancy entertainment tonight, and since I was exhausted (I keep forgetting I'm supposed to take it easy), I turned in early.  Turned out to be a big mistake - or a blessing - not sure which. 

Piano player and entertainer for the evening.
The party moved in to the bar where a gentleman in a green sequined jacket, played the piano joined by Gail and our new friend, Matthew, who kept everyone entertained with their music.  While I'm sorry I missed the singing and dancing, I sure enjoyed the early turn in. 

From the window of our room, we had a great view of some of the cars in our group.  

The next morning, I jumped out of bed at 7:00, put on my workout clothes and took off exploring.  I wanted to visit the harbor and Brown Castle again.    Portofino is such a pretty village.  The colorful outdoor shops were just waking up.  Merchants were sweeping away debris from the previous night's revelers.  The smell of cappuccino was lingering in the air and soooo inviting.

Walking up to the Hotel Splendido.

Rivas await passengers in the Portofino harbor.

Portofino is a very colorful village.

I love this view of the harbor from the Brown Castle.  The Hotel Splendido is up on the hillside.
After a walk through the village, I ventured up to the Brown Castle to have a look around.  The best views of the harbor are from up on the hillside beside the Brown Castle.  I took a few pics and headed back to the hotel for breakfast with Jacqueline. 

Breakfast at The Hotel Splendido overlooking Portofino Harbor.

Today, we head to Monaco. 

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