Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Patagonia, The French Valley, Monday, March 14, 2016

Another sunrise of the mountains from our window.
This morning, we are off for a real hike.  Yesterday was just a meander around the park with the old folks on this expedition.
Our hike started with a beautiful rainbow to show the way.
Jacqueline, Leslie, Kitty and I set off for The French Valley, an all day excursion which required an hour ride by car, and then a 30 minute ferry ride to arrive at the trail head of The French Valley.

Ferry Ride to the trailhead of  The French Valley.

The hike was not all that difficult.  It varied between just enough up hill to accomplish the work out we were seeking, followed by gentle slopes and more up hill.  The brochure said it was a six mile hike.  Didn't know they were measuring it one way.  So even though it wasn't all that tough ... it was LONG! 

 In 2006, an Israeli tourist accidentally started a forest fire while burning toilet paper,  destroying over 22,000 acres.  The strong winds that are prevalent in the area have eroded the burned trees giving them an erie silver polished look.  What a "shit storm!"    

We crossed the river a couple of times, once using a suspension bridge that would only accommodate two people at a time.  
Suspension bridge only allows 2 people at a time to cross.
The view from the bridge was spectacular looking upstream toward the French Glacier and down stream toward the Horns.  The further we climbed, the more stunning the views became.  

We stopped in the forest for our lunch, carefully prepared by the hotel, smoked salmon sandwiches.  I've never had a better smoked salmon sandwich!  Actually, I've never had a smoked salmon sandwich, period!  But shoe leather would have tasted good at this point. 
Food just tastes better in the woods.
And of course, our guide, Phillippe had peanut butter cookies in his pack.  Had we known earlier, we may have taken him out to get to them!!

The French Glacier

We reached a lookout point, hung out for a while and then began our decent. Our NatGeo guide, Kitty, wanted to take her time going down so she could check out all of the birds and plants.   Not really interested in stopping every few feet with a full blown description of each bird and plant, Jac, Leslie and I took off down the hill. 
Jac takes a panoramic shot of the French Glacier.
Not that it was a race, but we arrived at the ferry station 45 minutes before Kitty and Phillippe, who had to stick with the last man down (Kitty). 

In an attempt to keep my suitcase light, I did not pack my hiking backpack.  When we decided to go on this hike, I needed a backpack, so I emptied my travel pack and used it.  Thus Jacqueline dubbed me "Ms. Troop Beverly Hills."  It's a camouflaged Prada backpack!!  What's the big deal?  I thought it blended with the Patagonia jacket just fine!

When we arrived at the ferry pick up point, we found an area used by day campers to get out of the wind.  Leslie set off on a mission to find the cooler that Phillippe brought along to keep us entertained while waiting for the ferry ride home.  I guess she could smell the beer inside.  It didn't take her long.  She came back with the cooler and a big grin!  Of course, we jumped right in.  The girls had a beer as I raided the cheese and fruit trays.  By the time Kitty and Phillippe arrived, we were warm and happy inside the shelter. 
Waiting for the Ferry in the shelter.

Our ferry arrived at 6:30 and we were headed back to our waiting car for the hour long drive back to Hotel Tierra Patagonia. 
Our Ferry arrives at the dock for the 30 minute ride back to the van.
This was a long, twelve hour day, but oh so fun!!  There is something so satisfying about pushing the body to it's limits while being surrounded by such amazing scenery! Beats the hell out of a gym any day!!  It's therapeutic and a welcome relief from the funk that's been lingering inside my heart all week.  

The walk from the car to the dinner table was the longest walk of the day.  After sitting still for over an hour ... my body didn't want to move.  But it was such a satisfying exhaustion.  Medicine for the soul!  I need more days like this.

View from the lookout at the top of The French Valley

Horns de Paine.

Just another view of the Horns.

When studying the National Geographic brochure to decide which Patagonia excursion we wanted to take, we found a less expensive one with "more rustic" accommodations.  I think we chose wisely!!
Horns de Paine.
WHEN it worked, the wifi only connected in the living room area. So this chair became my blogging spot at the Hotel Tierra Patagonia.  

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