Monday, March 7, 2016

Buenos Aries, Argentina, Monday, March 7, 2016

I don't have much to report today.  The evening's activités last night must have left us both exhausted, because this morning, I slept until 8:30 and Jacqueline slept until noon.  We had a totally lazy day and never left the room until our group meeting with the National Geographic folks at 5:45 this afternoon.

I spent the day reading and Jac spent the afternoon booking future flights for the two of us.  She is so good at it.  Sure makes my life easier!  And she prepares a spread sheet showing all flights, dates and times for me.  

This evening, after our nice day of R&R, we joined our group  for cocktails and a tango demonstration at 6:00 followed by a presentation from NatGeo guide, Kitty Coley, and then a "get acquainted" dinner at 7:00.  There are eight people on this expedition and two guides.   The group seems very nice. We have one married couple, another mother/daughter duo, and two single women.  Of this group, three are vegans with special dietary requirements. How do we know this?????  You can probably guess.  I normally wouldn't trust a vegan, but I'm keeping an open mind.  

So it's almost 11:00, I'm having a cup of tea and we're turning in.  We have an early start in the morning.  More news tomorrow.

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