Monday, September 5, 2016

More Canary Islands, Arrecife, Lanzarote, Spain.

Our agenda today takes us to another Canary Island, Arrecife.  We had tickets to do the Moon Trek, but decided to pass.  The winds are blowing so hard that all of our terrace furniture has been tied down.   So we had a casual morning with breakfast in the suite, watching the news to see that a hurricane is bearing down on Florida, specifically, Tampa.  Normally, that would strike fear in my heart while trying to "batten down the hatches" so to speak, at the house, while being thousands of miles away.  However, I know Sylwia is on top of things, so there is nothing to worry about.  

After lunch at La Veranda, we hit the gym for a heavy workout.  The place was empty.  I guess everyone else went on the moon trekking tour.  It was actually quite nice.  I was singing and skipping away on the treadmill.  Burning calories so I can start all over again tonight at dinner with friends at Prime 7.  

Get ya some Haynes!!  

After lunch, we ran into our party animal friends and remained at the pool deck for cocktails.  Resisting temptation, Haynes opted for soaking up a few rays instead of sipping cocktails.  Gail snapped this photo of Haynes and somehow, it got mysteriously air dropped to all of the ladies on board.  Now each time they see me, I get the thumbs up sign with a huge "at a girl" smile!  Come on people!  Really??  Get your minds out of the gutter!!

Well, ok.  I totally get it girls!!

We had dinner tonight with Bruce, Gail, Monte and Karen at Prime 7 Restaurant.  One of the signature restaurants on board, Prime 7 is known for their steaks.  We ordered from Prime 7's menu last night in Le Chambre, so we were already familiar with the killer desserts.  So I ordered a light dinner to reserve room for the Popcorn Sundae.  It didn't disappoint. 

Monte, Karen, Haynes and Julie.  Dinner at Prime 7.

We finished dinner quite late and didn't extend the evening with Karaoke, nor martini-off's.  Rather called it quits for the evening as the 30 mile an hour winds were making for a rough night at sea.   However, the suite in the back of the ship was very comfortable.  I slept like a baby with the gentle rocking of the ship while underway to  Agadir, Morocco.    

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