Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Thursday, September 17th, 2015

Monterey, CA
Got a rocky start.  No leader.  

Good morning California.  We're off today for one of the most scenic drives in the country ... Seventeen Mile Drive and Big Sur.  It's a beautiful sunny day with the perfect road and perfect driving conditions for our cars.   We were on our own today, as our leader, Gil went to Napa.  Nobody was sure how to get from Monterey to 17 Mile Drive.  We pulled off the road to re-group and elected Chandra and Keith to show us the way.

Our first stop along 17 Mile Drive was at China Rock.  Notice the #12 Yellow car (2nd in line.)
In case you needed a better look at my car.

Our first stop along 17 Mile Drive was China Rock.  We stopped long enough for a few photos and then continued on down the road.   To our right, the deep blue Pacific and rocky shoreline was the perfect panorama.  The view changed with each turn to reveal yet another gorgeous vista.

Our Ferrari Group at China Rock.  

View from Rocky Point Restaurant.

Our lunch spot, Rocky Point Restaurant, clung to the side of a cliff overlooking the sea.  The food was disappointing, but the view made up for the lousy meal.
Our lunch group at Rocky Point Restaurant.

While checking out the  incredible view, I saw an elderly gent, sitting alone, enjoying his lunch at a table overlooking the water.  He had a split of Champagne with two glasses and an 8 x 10 framed photo beside him on the table.  
Phillip Wylly enjoying his anniversary lunch.
This was an invitation for me to get "the story."  Turns out, Mr. Winter was celebrating his wedding anniversary, as he had done for the past 28 years with his beautiful wife.  She died 3 months ago, but he still celebrated with her.  The photo on the table was their wedding photo.  We chatted for a while, instantly bonding as I shared with Mr. Winter that I lost my husband three years ago today.  I would have enjoyed talking to this man for hours, hearing stories about his beloved wife.  How they met, how they spent their years together.  
We shared a few moments of silence and a few tears and then I left Mr. Winter to continue his lunch and his memories of a beautiful life together. 

The ladies brighten Phillip's day.
After lunch, all the ladies came out to take a photo with Phillip.  He seemed to enjoy the distraction and certainly enjoyed the attention.  

I continue to wait for this day to become easier.  The worst day of one's life tends to linger.   It's fitting that I'm sharing today with the dear friend who took over my life and somehow got me through.   The words "thank you" seem insignificant for the depth of gratitude that I feel.  But I'll say it anyway.  Thank you, Sharon.  And thank you for continuing to make me feel that tomorrow will be better. 

After lunch, we continued our drive, stopping along the way at the most photographed tree in the world, The Lone Cypress.  
Lone Cypress
Afterwards, we went to Carmel for a little shopping.  

Dinner at Grasings, Carmel, CA
Several pairs of shoes later, we went to Grasings for dinner with Ava and Jasone.  Grassing was recommended by some Tampa friends.  Since they are in the 

restaurant business, I 

knew it would be a good recommendation. The meal was spectacular, as was the company. 
Cocktails at the Intercontinental after dinner.
We were the last to leave the restaurant, found our way back to the hotel and were the last to leave the bar at the Intercontinental as well.  

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