Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Monday, September 14, 2015 - Yosemite

This morning's route.
This morning, we depart for Yosemite.  Sharon and I have never been to this area before and look forward to the drive.  

But first things first.  Breakfast!  Since today's departure was delayed, we decided to have breakfast.  When I ordered my boring eggs and bacon yesterday, our server walked by with a  plate of Huevos Rancheros.  

Huevos Rancheros Breakfast
That's pretty much all I could think about for the rest of the day.  So today ... Huevos Rancheros, here I come!!  The dish did not disappoint!!  With shredded chicken and "drunken" beans, my breakfast was delicious!  Great way to start the day!!  

Prime parking space in the driveway of the Ritz.
After breakfast, the group gathered in front of the Ritz to load bags in our support van and prepare for the drive to Yosemite.  I was determined to NOT be the last in line today, so Sharon and I were in the car and perfectly positioned in the cue.  Just after 10:00, we took off.  

The drive started off relatively tame because of traffic, but quickly changed about an hour later after a fuel stop.  Our pack of Ferrari's easily stayed together passing traffic in a snake like fashion until the four lane road changed to two lanes.  With on coming traffic and winding roads, the group quickly divided into smaller groups.   The phone began pinging text alerts to us of road obstructions, traffic and police sightings.   Sharon and I were scooting along nicely, driving faster, feeling confident with our position and able to narrow the gaps in our group only when we reached passing lanes to safely get around other traffic.  We fell back at one point but I knew a passing lane was coming and we'd be able to get around traffic and catch up soon.  Our opportunity came, I accelerated and zoomed past the slower cars narrowing the gap between us and our group.   I commented to Sharon at that point that we just reached 125 miles per hour.  The Ferrari was purring at this speed.  After all ... the 458 Spider is a street legal race car, right?  Right!  

Something I never thought I'd hear myself say ... "I'm so happy that I got a speeding ticket for going 99 in a 65 MPH zone."

Yup.  No sooner had I remarked to Sharon that we busted 125 MPH  mark when we crested a hill and came face to face with a state trooper in on coming traffic.  No text warning.  No radar warning.  Nothing!!   I didn't have time to process the expression on the trooper's face as we blew by him.   But I'm guessing it was somewhere between disbelief and pure joy.   Disbelief of my speed and joy of the story that he was going to be able to tell tonight over a beer.  We went by so fast, he probably only saw two blondes in the car and had visions of Christy Brinkley and National Lampoon's Vacation.  (Ha!  We fooled him.)  I just put on my brakes and pulled off the road to wait.  The Ferrari ahead of me stopped as well, awaiting his turn for a ticket.

When the trooper pulled up behind me, the radar started screaming.  (Thank you very much.)  I had no idea how to turn it off.  Laser radar detectors (like mine) are illegal in California.  Sharon and I were pushing buttons and pulling cords trying to quieten the screeching detector.  

She finally placed my purse on the console to cover the switch for the radar detector ... my lovely cognac python purse with the black Marijuana leaf stitched on the front.  I was thinking about the charges for which I was about to be charged ... or better yet, hauled away to jail for.  Speeding, reckless driving, illegal use of a radar detector and then search and seizure of the Ferrari for suspected Marijuana possession.  The officer approached the car from the passenger side and of course asked for my driver's license, registration and insurance cards.  He had a very kind face and was as nice and professional as could be.  He also had a hidden smile on his face and in his voice.   He said he clocked me at 112 MPH.  (Ha!  If he only knew!)  He went back to his cruiser.  Sharon and I were on pins and needles.  When he came back to the car, he gave me a ticket for going 99 in a 65.  If he'd written it for over 100 MPH, it would require a mandatory court appearance.  Thus my comment ... "I'm so happy that I got a speeding ticket for going 99 in a 65 MPH zone."

My only regret is that we didn't get a photo of the officer to post in this blog!!  He was such a nice guy, I know he would have gone for it.    Just didn't think about it at the time.  I was so relieved to NOT be arrested.  I love wearing orange, but not when there is a number stenciled on the back.

Word traveled fast throughout the group.  They pulled off the road a few miles down to wait for the two "busted" Ferraris, anxious to hear the details.  As I pulled in, I gave them a double thumbs up.  We had survived to drive another day!!  Sharon said I achieved instant rockstar status.  Of all the previous Ferrari trips, I was the first participant ticketed.  Oh, by the way, the other car did NOT get a ticket.  The officer let them go. 

Stopping for gas.
After all that drama, we set off again for our lunch destination, a renowned Mobil station called Tioga Gas Mart in Lee Vining CA.  The Ferraris pulled in to the gas station and it looked like a NASCAR pit stop.  Ferraris at every pump.  People gathered around snapping photos and offering to trade cars.    This lunch spot was an interesting cross between a truck stop and mini mart with a gourmet fast food restaurant equipped with indoor picnic tables for dining and a first class souvenir shop .  We had a great lunch and were ready to hit the road for the second half of our trip.  When we walked out of the "mini-mart/truck start" it began to rain.  THADDEUS!  How do I turn on the windshield wipers???  

Our afternoon route.
Our line of 12 Ferraris arrived at the entrance to Yosemite National Park and waited to pay the park fees.  Jasone was in the car just ahead of me.  After he paid, he raced away.   The park attendant shook his head and said, "That boy's gonna get pulled over!", making me believe there were rangers around every corner.  I'm a bit more cautious after my police encounter.  We soon caught up with the Ferrari parade and the 45 MPH signs meant nothing to them even on the curvy roads.  We sped around a corner and much to my surprise, we were slowed by an RV.  Sharon and I were high fiving!!  Hallelujah!  
Scenic View entering Yosemite.
The rest of the drive was quite tame because of slower traffic.  Never thought I would be happy about that!!

Thaddeus and Bob McKinney.  Photo taken by Sharon!!!!
We stopped at a couple of scenic overlooks to check out the views. Just gorgeous!!  

The rain continued off and on the whole way to our next destination, Tenaya Lodge at Fish Bay.    It's no Ritz, but very comfortable.  Tomorrow, we tour Yosemite.  Can't wait.  We've never been here and are quite anxious to see the sites.  

(More photos for today's blog coming soon.) 

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