Thursday, January 22, 2015

Tasman Sea and Sydney

Monday, January 19, 2015

Another day at sea.  The Tasman Sea.  AGAIN!  Our last sea day.  Tomorrow morning, we dock in Sydney, Australia, where we began this journey.   The seas are calm today.  Surprisingly, gloriously CALM.  

We spent the day packing and preparing for tomorrow's departure, a fairly easy task because I know what I'm taking!  

Then we rushed downstairs for the grand finale Bingo match to support our new friends Lisa and Allen.  Lisa has played Bingo every day of the trip and as a result, has won several hundred dollars.  So she encouraged everyone to join in the fun AND to make the pot larger.  So we finished packing and rushed downstairs for the big match only to find that the time had been changed and the Bingo match had been held 3 hours earlier.  We totally missed out.  Lisa didn't win the big pot and was not happy.   

We met Sheri, from San Francisco, for dinner at the Italian restaurant on the ship and had a lovely evening learning more about our new friend who has endured so much tragedy in her life.  She lost her first husband in the Delta Airlines crash in Dallas in the late 80's.  Her second husband died of a heart attack two years ago and now she has picked up the pieces and is traveling and enjoying life again.  At 80 years old, she has such a sweet sparkle in her eyes and the most stunning smile ever.  What an inspiration to me.  So glad we got to meet her and hope our paths cross again.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

We docked in Sydney this morning.  After transferring our bags to the Intercontinental Hotel to be held until we were scheduled to leave for the airport, we set out across the Botanical Gardens searching for the Art Gallery of New South Whales.  There was a special person I was anxious to meet at the Gallery.  John Freckleton.  

John Freckleton, Rosemarie's son.
John is Rosemarie's long lost son whom she reconnected with this fall.  A story with a tragic beginning yet such a wonderful ending,  anyone who has seen the movie "Philomena" will know Rosemarie's story as a young woman in Ireland who's son was taken from her as a baby and put up for adoption.  
Walking through the park with John.
Rosemarie spent years searching for her son and finally found him in Sydney, Australia.  I had the privilege of meeting John today.  I recognized him immediately as he has Rosemarie's eyes and smile.  We had a wonderful visit and I learned of John's long quest to find his mother, Rosemarie.  So I guess I have a new Brother-in-law and I'm so happy I was able to meet John today in Sydney.  I look forward to meeting the rest of his family, Sally and son Phoenix. 

Lunch at Fish Pool.
Back where we began this journey 3 weeks ago.
After our visit with John, we wandered back to the pier overlooking the Opera House for lunch before departing for the airport.  We found a great spot for lunch called Fish Pool where we enjoyed Fish and Chips and the most amazing Watermelon salad.  I love watermelon and since it is summer in Australia, the watermelon was incredible!!

Our flight out of Sydney to Auckland was on time.  One of the first flights of this entire trip that has gone off without a hitch.  
Finally... a working wifi in the Air New Zealand Lounge!!  
We're in the Air New Zealand Lounge waiting for our connection to Los Angeles.  Another 14 hours, and I should be home in Hermosa Beach ... well for at least a few hours.  I leave Wednesday morning for Washington D.C. and then on to visit my sister and parents.  I'll slow down on the travel someday ... but it's not going to be today.  

I'll conclude this Australia/New Zealand Blog tomorrow when I'm home sweet home.  Until then ...

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