Friday, January 9, 2015

Mariner Cruise - Tarunga

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

After boarding the ship yesterday afternoon, we got unpacked and comfortable in the room and met our butler and stewardess.  Yes, I have a butler.  If the kids on Brown Street could see me now.  

Holding on to Muffy's Life Jacket
We had a mandatory briefing in the theater at 5:00 to review safety procedure and proper protocol in the event of an evacuation.  Since I didn't bring my life jacket to the gathering, I decided to partner up with Muffy during the drill.  

There are only two restaurants on board that require reservations, and our butler, Chris was able to get us a table at Prime 7, a fabulous steak and seafood spot.  The food was fabulous.  We have reservations with the Vintage Club group later this week at Prime 7.  So we've had a preview.  I think I'll cut to the chase and have Chocolate Lava Cake for my entree.

The ship left the port of Auckland and set sail around 8:00 tonight.  An easy and smooth run, we awoke in Tauranga, New Zealand.  
Mount Mauao looks pretty easy from here.  Very deceiving!
We started our day with a hike up Mount Mauao standing beside the harbor.  It looked easy enough from the ship, but we soon learned that it was much tougher than it appeared.  Surrounded by crystal clear blue and green water and many smaller islands, the 365 degree view from the top was spectacular!  
Sheep Graze on the mountain side

We made it to the top.  Beautiful 365 degree view.
We made it back to the ship in time for a quick burger poolside, the only spot open at 4:00 in the afternoon.  Best burger EVER after the 6 mile hike up the mountain.   While we were scarfing down our burgers, we noticed a beautiful lady with the most amazing smile sitting alone enjoying a bowl of ice cream.  We saw her again after lunch and I struck up a conversation with her.  Sheri is traveling alone.  Her husband passed away two years ago and they were big cruisers.  We invited her for cocktails and dinner and she accepted.  We had a lovely evening getting to know all about Sheri and look forward to spending more time with her during the

After the 6 mile hike, cocktails and dinner, I was so exhausted!  Didn't even enjoy my usual evening cup of tea.  Out like a light.  

More tomorrow.


  1. Hi Julie,
    looks like you're having loads of fun! hope the weather isw better there than here in arkansas, was 8 degrees wednesday night, brrrrr.....
    hope you have a safe trip home, hope to see you one of these days.

  2. What a great hike. That ocean water looks amazing. How funny to think of ocean water in New Zealand looking like water in the Caribbean. So glad you are having fun!

