Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Africa - The Adventure Begins - AGAIN, Monday & Tuesday, February 20-21, 2017

Time to move again.  So it's off to Africa with National Geographic and two wonderful friends, Stevie and Lorri.  I'm meeting Stevie and Lorri in Lisbon along with 42 other folks for a trip around Africa.  We'll be visiting places like Tanzania, Madagascar, Cape Town, Rwanda, Botswana, Namibia and more.  I'm so excited to explore these amazing countries, learn about their culture and see the flora and fauna.  And to get to do all this with such amazing friends ... well, that's priceless!

I'm so sad that my friend Pat had to cancel, but alas, grandchildren take priority over play time and Pat is expecting a beautiful new grand baby in a few days.  We'll miss you Pat.  Please let us know when your new baby arrives.  We hope all goes well and we'll try to have enough fun for you too!

As I sit in the PHX Club lounge at Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, waiting to catch my flight to London with a connecting flight to Lisbon, I wonder about the people here and what brings us all to this space at this time.  I hear British accents of folks clearly heading home.  And the unmistakeable southern accents of folks going abroad.  Perhaps for the first time.  That's certainly the case if they are from Arkansas, yes??   It's easy to pick out the couples who are married.  In fact, I can almost tell how many years they've been married by the glazed over looks in their eyes as they play word games on their iPads, or sit quietly reading The Times while sipping a glass of champagne.  The rather short rotund lady across from me snacks on every cookie and sandwich snack from the buffet, while her husband sneaks a peak at ME.  He must be REALLY bored!!  And he just winked at me.  I almost laughed out loud.  Wow!  If I were with my friend Monica, she would have the low down on everyone in the place by now.  She would know where they live, how many children they have and what their favorite colors are.  Green for the guy who winked at me.  I'm just guessing because his wrinkled shirt and socks are a disgusting green to match the accents on his back pack and green iPad cover.  Oh my gosh, he and his wife almost had a conversation.  Oh wait, she just said, "Will you get your crap out of the way so I can go to the bathroom and get more popcorn?"  He just grunted and moved his green clad foot out of the way.  

My flight to London has just been announced, so I'll somehow tear myself away from these interesting characters in the PHX Club and move on to the British Airways Boeing 747-400 that will take me across the US and the Atlantic Ocean to London.

Settled in to my little compartment on BA  0288 to London.

After 9.5 hours in the air, I've landed in London.  As I await my connecting flight to Lisbon, I want to take a moment to give thanks to my wonderful friends and family who helped me get here.  I'm so blessed to have such an amazing support group who helped me navigate some of the most difficult times of my life.  I don't need to go into the details of 2016, any one of which would make a top selling "country and western song," because you all know what a crappy year I had.  However, I'll never forget July 28th at 10:30 a.m. when I walked out of the radiation department at Moffitt Cancer Center, surrounded by 50+ dear friends who came to celebrate with me as I "rang the bell" to mark the end of a victorious cancer treatment!!

Ringing the bell!!  Treatment over!  Kicked Cancer's Ass!!
Damned if I didn't come out on the other side stronger, healthier, happier and more at peace than I've been in years.  I'm back to climbing mountains and conquering the world!!  All thanks to YOU!  So please take a moment to pat yourselves on the back and accept this heartfelt thank you.  
CamelBack hike in Phoenix, AZ.  I'd say "I'm back!"
If this paragraph leaves you confused and wondering what the heck happened ... well, I guess we don't know each other that well.  Perhaps you should be grateful.

OK!  Enough drama.  While I slept across the Atlantic Ocean, Tuesday, February 21st rolled in   and we landed in London's Heathrow Airport.  I'm ready for this great adventure to begin and it's almost time to board my connecting flight to Lisbon.  

After arriving safely in Lisbon, I met Stevie and Lorri just in time for cocktails.  We had a great dinner accompanied with lots of catch up conversation and many laughs.  Many more to come, I'm sure.   I think the excitement of the day has finally caught up with me and it's time to get some sleep. 

Dinner at the Four Seasons Ritz in Lisbon with Lorri, Stevie and I.

1 comment:

  1. I will view being in a Lounge more carefully on our next trip! You make even the lounge a bit of story telling. Looking forward to catching up with your story!
