Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Canary Islands, Spain.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
After a wild day at sea yesterday, today, we find ourselves 180 miles off the coast of north Africa in the Canary Islands at a lovely port called Santa Cruz de Tenerife.  Today's activity, another Tapa tour.  However, after last night's martini-off, I seemed to have misplaced my money-clip with my driver's license, which is needed at this port to get back on the ship.   I guess that's why I can't be trusted with nice things.  I'm usually never this careless.  Haynes helped with the search for my money-clip.  We checked jacket pockets, slacks pockets, the safe, every handbag that I brought, my backpack, robe pockets, drawers and even the refrigerator - just because ... one never knows.  We finally called off the search and headed down to the Constellation Theater to meet our tour group, but stopped by the reception desk on the outside chance that someone had found the misplaced money-clip and turned it in.  Haynes was trying to describe to the receptionist what the money-clip looked like, so he reached into his pocket to pull his money-clip out to show her.  
Found it!!
We were both surprised to see the clip lying in his palm was MINE instead of his.  Mystery solved.  Then we had to return to the room to find HIS money and drivers license.  Found it in his slacks from the previous evening.  

By now, we had missed our tour, so we decided to take the "blue line" tour of Santa Cruz.  From the ship, there is a blue line that we followed through the port all the way into town.  

The BLUE Line tour.

Away we go!
Santa Cruz is a larger city than Cadiz.   We wandered around the city snapping photos of various sights.  No clue what we were looking at, but they must have had some importance since they were pretty sizable monuments and statues.  So please enjoy these photos.  
Don't know, but got a photo anyway!!

This guy's got nothin on you Haynes!!

No clue what the statue represents, but must be important.

One of many walkways meandering through the city.

This walkway ran along the shore for miles.

Another walkway lined with great shops.

We ran across this lovely park.
Local park.  It's hot here!!
There is a little kid in all of us!!
The city was abundant with beautiful walkways that ascended up the hillside bordered by apartments, hotels and small businesses terraced alongside up the hills.  We found a gorgeous city park with gardens and fountains and a wonderful playground.  

Back to the ship for lunch.
After a four mile trek, we headed back to the ship for food.  It's free on the ship AND we know that we're getting good food.  Can't beat that price and quality at LaVeranda. 

Cocktails in the Observation Lounge.

Pre-cocktail party cocktails in Observation Lounge.
After a lunch, it was time for a nice nap before the cocktail party at the Meridian Lounge hosted by our host and hostess with the mostess, Tom and Melody.  It was great fun catching up with the folks that I met on the earlier New Zealand/Australia cruise with the Vintage Club folks.  

After the cocktail party, our butler, Fernando, collected us and escorted Haynes and I to the secret restaurant, La Chambre, where Fernando had secured reservations for us this evening with Bruce and Gail.   This very special, private and cozy little restaurant seats 18 people, only master suite guests.  

Dinner at Le Chambre with Bruce and Gail.
We were able to select our meal from the Prime 7 or Chartreuse restaurant menus.  Oh!  By the way, Bruce, Gail, Haynes and I were the only ones dining in La Chambre tonight.  It was like having our own private restaurant.  The meal was incredible.  I ordered every dessert on the menu and had to sample each one.  Every once in a while, sugar is a good thing!!  It certainly was tonight with a Deconstructed S'more, Popcorn Sundae with chocolate sauce and 14 layer flourless chocolate cake.  Oh my gosh!  I'm going an extra hour on the treadmill tomorrow!!

We are currently underway for another Canary Island, Arrecife, Lanzarote, Spain.  More tomorrow.    


  1. Your pictures are amazing!! Especially love the T one!! ��

  2. Your pictures are amazing!! Especially love the T one!! ��

  3. Vicariously going to these places. Thanks. Never been to Portugal! Our friends the Gundermans were o Viking in Lisbon about same time you were! Safe and fun travels!
    Love, Ann
