Monday, April 20, 2015

Amsterdam - Saturday, April 18, 2015

Our new hotel
We're changing hotels today within Amsterdam.  Moving from the Waldorf Astoria to The Pulitzer.  Since we depart on our bike trip from The Pulitzer, the Butterfield & Robinson Bike tour  people suggested we stay there.  None of us were happy with the change of venue, but it was for only one night.  How bad can it be?  Right?  Well, turns out ... pretty bad.   The lobby is dark and depressing.  My room was on the top floor and after taking the elevator up, I had to walk through 4 different houses going up and down several flights of stairs, over a roof top, and finally took a turn to the left to find my room beside a hidden staircase that was blocked off with plexiglass.  The room was clean, but well worn.  I couldn't open the bathroom door because the bed was in the way and the noise from the busy canal below was intense.  But other than that, it was ok.   And as I thought of Ann Frank's accommodations just a few doors down, I felt ashamed for all my complaining.

Floating Flower Market

We shopped on the 9 streets today.  We began at the floating flower market where one can buy tulip bulbs for most of the 1100 varieties of tulips in Holland.  
Cannabis Starter Kits
But our guide told us this is not the time of year to buy the bulbs and that they wouldn't do well because they are old.  We needed to buy in the fall.  They also had Cannabis Starter Kits.   Interesting!

From there,  we continued on to the 9 streets, passing cute boutiques and cafes.  But I didn't find a single thing to buy.  Sorry all of you at home waiting for gifts from Holland.  I was going to order cheese for you until I found out it is warehoused in New Jersey and they ship from there.  Kind of took some of the thrill out of buying Dutch cheese for my friends.  
Dam Square Carnival

We found ourselves in the middle of the Dam Square where a carnival was in full swing.  Thousands of people were there weaving in and out of the trams, trains, buses, cars and bike traffic.  It was a hair-raising experience, but necessary to work our way over to de Bijenkorf, the department store, for more shopping.  Sorry y'all.  Still nothing special to buy.
XXX = Water, Fire and Black Plague

All over Holland, we found signs, plaques and flags that carried "XXX."  At first, I thought they were advertising the Red Light District.  But they actually serve as a reminder to the Dutch people of the three disasters that have greatly affected Holland, Water, Fire and The Black Plague.  

One way to get run over.
The longer I'm here, I'm convinced the X's REALLY stand for Trains, Cars and Bikes, the three ways to get run over in Amsterdam!  
The Bar on a Car traveling beer cart.
Oh yes, the peddle beer cart is another easy way to get run over.  Looks to me like they are too busy drinking and peddling to see where they are going!

Happy Hour at The Pulitzer.

After cocktails in the lobby bar, we had a fabulous dinner at L'Invite, where we were served six incredible courses.  After a gracious welcome to the restaurant, the server asked if anyone had food allergies and then he just started bringing out plate after plate of delicious, gourmet food.  Susan and 

Lovely Dinner at L'Invite
Karen didn't join the group tonight as they were just too exhausted.  They sure missed a good one.

We wandered back to the hotel to rest up and prepare for the first day of our big bike ride tomorrow morning.  This is what we came here for folks.  Can't wait.

It just occurred to me that some of you may think this blog is a bit pretentious and boastful.  My friend, Jess told me that when he talked to his buddies about his adventures, they told him they wished he had syphilis.  (That's a little harsh, don't you think???)  At any rate.  I hope you don't feel that I'm bragging.  This is simply a way for me to keep my friends and family informed as to my whereabouts and to let you know I'm still alive and well, and  mostly to let you know that I miss you all terribly and look forward to seeing you again very soon.  So for my critics ... please read something else.  For all the rest of you.  I love you.  

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your blogs! Your adventures are fabulous and you have such a flair for writing about them. Keep 'em coming!! xo, Glenn
